Pumpkin Carving | Taroko Halloween 2020

It was a spooky day at Taroko… The pumpkins didn’t stand a chance.

We started the evening with special Halloween pizza. Made out of black dough, charcoal chicken, and extra garlicy sauce to ward off the vampires.

Then moved on to giving out the prizes from our last Mario Kart and Sangria making competition. Congratulations Team Ken, Kevin, and Amanda for creating the tastiest sangria. And congratulations Arseny, Mark and Lulu on winning Mario Kart!

As the teams got to work on our squash pumpkins, we had housemade punch bowls mixed up by Simon to enjoy. With two people to each pumpkin, it was a test of teamwork, creativity, and skill.

And the finished products.

After a round of voting using candy as our votes, Lulu’s smoking pumpkin was voted best pumpkin, with Ken’s teethy monstrosity a close second.

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